With winter upon us and heaters and fires blazing, it’s an appropriate time to share some information about specialised smoke alarms for people with a hearing impairment.

All conventional smoke alarms in NZ emit a high pitched sound which can be difficult for people with age or noise related hearing loss to hear, especially when their hearing aids are removed at night for sleeping.

Specialised smoke alarms look like conventional alarms however they transmit, via radio waves, to a receiver by the person’s bed. The receiver can vary in function however it always consists of a bright strobe light with an attached shaker which is placed under the pillow giving people early notification of smoke/fire in their home.

If you, or someone you know has a hearing loss it could be worthwhile checking if they can hear their conventional smoke alarm especially during the night.

If not please contact Life Unlimited Hearing Therapy for a free assessment.

Our hearing therapists are qualified assessors for this specialised equipment.

There is some funding available where specific criteria are met.

Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) are also involved in the assessment and installation of these smoke alarms.

Ph 0800 008 011 or email hearing@lifeunlimited.net.nz for further information.