Did you know that there are special smoke alarms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing? A deaf smoke alarm looks just like a standard smoke alarm and makes a very similar noise so the hearing people in your house – and you when you’re wearing your ears during the day – can still hear an audible alarm.

They can however be connected to wireless transmitters such as a strobe light which will flash if the alarm goes off to give you a visual alert. Another option is a link to a vibrating pad that can also be put underneath your pillow or your mattress to shake you awake in the event of the alarm being triggered. These devices really are a life saver and in many cases can be covered by existing government funding.

Specialised smoke alarms for people with hearing loss are available at Kia Roha, who provide free assessments. Conventional smoke alarms emit a high-pitched sound which is not always audible for deaf people, particularly at night when cochlear implants or hearing aids are removed. In comparison, specialised smoke alarms have features such as flashing strobe lights or vibration.

Kia Roha can also tell you if you’re eligible for funding to install the alarm system. Please phone 0800 008 011 or email hearing@yourwaykiaroha.nz for further information and to arrange an assessment.