Did you know that you can travel anywhere even when you have a cochlear implant? Travelling with the cochlear implant doesn’t need to be stressful. You can go anywhere as long as you put in a little bit of planning.

Many people have questions about airport security, scanners, and other things that you might encounter when you travel. Check out the website of your individual manufacturer for specifics on these situations or you can contact us at SCIP.

Here is a list of cochlear implant-related accessories you might want to take with you when youtravel. Bearing in mind, if you are heading away for a domestic trip or for a shorter period of time, you may not need everything on this list.

  • Batteries – Extras and back ups
  • Battery Charger
  • Roger Pen or Bluetooth Device
  • Backup/Alternate Processor
  • Device Remotes
  • Travel Storage Case
  • Patient ID Card
  • Outlet Adaptors
  • Water Wear
  • Sport headband and Hat
  • Tethers/Hairclips
  • Drying Kit

If you’re going overseas for international travel or for a longer period of time, you may need to pack more.

The team at SCIP will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.